Terrain is something that really adds to the gameplay in my opinion, both in terms of game play and look. But you don’t want to spend too much time when painting terrain, you want it done quickly so that it can be used in your games instead of just lying in your pile of grey plastic.
I started by breaking down what needed to be done into sections to make planning easier:
- Priming and base coats with spray cans or airbrush
- Prime: Citadel Chaos Black
- First base coat: Army Painter Oak Brown
- Second base coat: Vallejo Metal Air Aluminium
- Painting with brush
- Wash
Other things that are good to have:
- A drybrush
- An old brush for the oil wash
- Makeup sponges to remove the oil wash
First up is the base coating. I give it a spray of Citadel Chaos Black, then Army Painter Oak Brown. Then I give it a drybrush with the Vallejo Metal Air Aluminium.
When everything is base coated I painted the arches in Vallejo Steel Grey. If some of the steel grey happens to spill over on to the metal, it’s not the end of the world, just paint it over with AK Dark Brown and then back on with the Vallejo Metal Air Aluminium. Pipes and lights and other details in Citadel Gehenna’s Gold. Cables are painted in AK Deep Red.